There are lots of things you sure would want to know about personal loans. These are loans that individuals can avail to sort out there personal problems. From the minutest expenses to gigantic projects, you can avail this loan. The following is a recent online post you sure would want to read. It reveals more about personal loans, and especially as you can avail to make improvements on your home:
When you need to borrow money you have a number of choices to make:
bank or credit union? Credit card or home equity loan? Fixed or variable
rate? One option you may be considering is a personal loan, which can
be used in a variety of different ways -- to help with a small business,
finance a home renovation, consolidate debt or even pay for a wedding
or vacation. So what makes these loans different?
They carry fixed interest rates.That makes them
different than, say, a home equity line of credit which usually carries a
variable interest rate that can change when interest rates in the
economy change. Variable-rate loans may look more attractive at first
since their "initial" rates are often low. But the rate (and payment)
may rise later, and may make the loan more expensive (and risky) over
You must pay them back in a certain amount of time. Most
personal loans carry a fixed repayment period of one to five years.
During that time you make fixed monthly payments. That makes them
different than credit cards, which allow you to make a minimum payment
that will barely make a dent in your balance. If you prefer the
certainty of knowing when your debt will be paid off, a personal loan
may be your preferred choice.
They give entrepreneurs a chance to prove themselves. It's
become more difficult over the past few years to borrow to start or
jumpstart a young or small business. Brand new businesses, for example,
aren't likely to find a bank that wants to give them a loan just because
they have a great idea for a business. Banks often want to see sales
and revenue figures, which newer businesses aren't likely to have.
That's why some small businesses are turning to personal loans, which
they obtain on the strength of their personal credit and finances,
rather than that of the business. And the interest paid on a personal
loan used strictly for business purposes is often tax deductible; talk
with your tax adviser. If you want to see a snapshot of your credit
situation and see if you'd likely qualify for a personal loan, use the Credit Report Card.
They're the new home improvement loan. A few years
ago, if you wanted to build a deck or remodel your kitchen, your bank or
credit union was probably more than happy to give you a home equity
loan to fund your project. But now, between stricter mortgage loan
requirements and home values down in many parts of the country, getting a
home equity loan may feel like more trouble than it's worth. That's why
many borrowers are turning to these loans to fund home improvement
projects. And unlike home equity loans, which often require
interest-only payments for ten years before the borrower has to start
repaying the principal, with a personal loan you'll know your project is
paid for in a few years -- before you're ready to start a new one! Source
Hopefully the above information has been helpful. These sure are great many uses of personal loans. Contact an experienced loan advisor for more information.
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